How do you wrap your birds for freezing?


12 Years
Feb 3, 2008
Fingerlakes Upstate, NY
I tried doing a search but nothing really came up. How do you go about wrapping your birds once you've processed them? Butcher paper? Vac. sealer? We're getting ready to this weekend and I just wondered how people preferred to wrap theirs.
Usually around here we use plastic bags. They are large freezer bags with twist ties. I know you can get them at a country grocers but I am not sure about in town. If you will be storing them for a while you might want to double bag them
I buy one of the huge rolls of plastic wrap from Sam's Club and wrap and wrap and wrap. I presses out all the air, and protects the meat very well from freezer burn, and it's cheap!
I do a year's supply of birds at once so I vacuum seal. Once I finish butchering I let the birds cool for a few days and then will quarter them and vacuum seal for freezing.
Hopefully they don't "unwrap" themselves later...

thlaughingpiggif-1.gif "processed" chickens come from Foodlion...just joking w/ you here....couldn't help myself...
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The one that I'm going to use, I actually saw elsewhere on the Net -

They would cut up their birds after they had cooled a few days, and bag according to how they planned on cooking them, then put them in zipper bags. All the wing drumettes in one gallon bag, wing tips and backs for stock in another, halved birds for grilling, etc. All were labeled with a Sharpie for contents, date etc.

You can also freeze the pieces on cookie sheets BEFORE you bag em, and they wont stick together in the bag, allowing you to take out just what you need.

Best of Luck!


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