How do your ducks get in and out of their pool?

Oneacre Homestead

8 Years
May 25, 2011
Hi I am looking for the best way to help my ducks and geese climb in and out of their baby pool. I have piled up some flat rocks, but it sEems slightly unstable and heavy. I want to keep the weight down because the pool is on a wire platform and it is heavy enough. I am wondering if anyone has any ingenious solution that has worked for them. Thanks!!
My two ducks slide there bodies over the edge and use there feet to get themselves into there kiddie pool....when they were little i had to pick them up and put them in...and sometimes if i get to close and they get nervous they get into the pool quite can swear that just the other day when my female was getting into the pool the male was beside her and he pushed her down and stepped on top of her to get into the pool was cracking boyfriend said maybe that is how he is getting in because he is bigger n fatter then the as soon as i let them out in the morning she goes right over n jumps right in and he waddles around the pool like "hello,u didnt help me in" r so entertaining...

btw..i even tried to use a car ramp and they wouldnt go near im thinking just let nature do it thing...they learn fast....
I built steps for the pond. Inside is half a concrete block and then a milk crate upside down with a paver on top of it

When they had a big kiddie pool, they used the steps of the pool (they had the one with the slide) and then I had a paver and cement block as steps on the outside to the slide portion to get in.
I used to put them in and take them out as I had a 12' by 1.5' pool for my ducks. Now I have a pile of hardwood mulch by the pool and let them decide when to get in and out. They are loving it. Will have to make other arrangements when I use the mulch in the garden.
We made a ramp out of a spare piece of board that we used to build a goat run-in shelter. Dh built it up with concrete pavers underneath for stability -- they use it like a diving board!
My husband made a ramp for the adults and we just used several pieces of leftover lumber, stacked like stairs, for the babies.

(I can't find a picture of the ramp

Heres mine ,for those under a week and a half or so,then older then a week




Then... Picture Spam Time !!!!






I simply remove the black inner ramp one they reach about a month old. Then they just hop out onto the ramp.
Sorry for the double post.

Also if you use a smooth wood ramp (e.g : 2x4's or whatnot) make sure you have it covered with a towel ,or add little "ridges" (think old style chicken coop ramp) for them. My muscovies have a hard time getting up the ramp if its just smooth wood ,and they have the bigger claws. I cant see young mallard derived ducks making it unless it has added traction .

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