how does 3 turn into 16?

So far, I don't have the chicken math problem. That would be my hubby and how our desire for 25 chicks turned into 75
... then went down to 60 'cause he shared some with a friend of his. I'm sure I'll eventually start having my own chicken math problems when I decide I want to get 1 or 2 of some different breeds.

holy crap! thats a lot of chickies....if i had the room well i'm sure i'd have more of a math problem
Warning! Chicken keeping is highly addictive! It often leads to the secondary addiction of collecting chickens based upon the size, colors and hues of the eggs that they produce. Don't let this happen to someone you love! LOL
So glad I'm not alone!
I started with 3 from the local Tractor Supply. I just wanted eggs, and they had three Phoenix Rocks left (all white) so I bought all three. But then a store closer to me had Ameraucanas, and I had been wanting those. They were straight run, so I bought the minimum of 6. One of them disappeared when they were about 4 weeks old (probably a neighbor's cat).

Then I moved in with my sister, and all remaining 8 chicks kept flying right out of the 6-foot high dog pen (despite living in a privacy fenced yard with panels 6 feet high - suddenly they could fly over it). A fox killed a phoenix rock and two Ameraucanas, so I bought... an incubator. OH MY LORD, I was done right then.

We set out a trap for the fox, but so far haven't gotten him. Before we finished building the pen for the chickens, we lost 3 more. We have only one hen and one rooster (both Ameraucana) left from the original nine. But in the pen now we have 14 chickens! Some were given to us, but the others we hatched. On the ground (loose because they are small enough to get out of the pen) we have 3 chicks that are 3 months old. In the brooder we have THIRTY TWO chicks that hatched within the last week!

So our original two somehow turned into a total of 49. And if that's not enough, there's another 28 currently in the incubator due in 19 days!
Do not forget the, there is only one chick left in the stores brooder so I cant leave it by itself, excuse to buy more chicks.

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