How far will they free range?

How long have you had them? My flock doesn't roam that far, the most is down the driveway but I always push the back up I do t want to see them become a piece of road kill.
Hmm that's pretty far, maybe someone else will help answer this. I do know that they will return because of food, water an housing at night. what type of chickens?
Well mine do at times cross the road - have only lost one - its about 50 yards to the road is all and it seems that they just learned a few weeks ago that there is some delicious stuff over there somewhere.
Most chickens won't go much further than where they could see there coop and feeders. We have had a few that venture a little farther. So a quarter mile flat when they could still look back and see familiar sights would not be out of the question.

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