How far will true free ranged chickens go?

My free range birds stay in the immediate area, maybe a 200' radius from the coop? They get uneasy if very far away. Most days they stay within 100'. I think, anyway... I'm bad at distance estimates.

I suspect if they had more cover and fewer dogs between them and the rest of the property, they'd go farther. As it is, they stay in the natural almost-isolated "bowl" that their coop is located in.
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I have almost 6 week old chicks that just moved in to their coop yesterday. How long should I wait before letting them explore outside of the coop? I am glad to read they usually won't roam too far while out in the back yard.
I have almost 6 week old chicks that just moved in to their coop yesterday. How long should I wait before letting them explore outside of the coop? I am glad to read they usually won't roam too far while out in the back yard.
Do they have a run? I think they need a good 2-4 weeks to acclimate to a new environment in which to call home.
Actually, my brahma will alert to threats too. Or she did before I got the cockerel. I wonder if she will continue with him around?
My hens still sound alarms even with the addition of the rooster, but they were two years old by the time I added him so maybe they are just set in their ways.
Chickens will not stray far from their food/water source, I have ducks, Geese, turkeys, guineas, and lots of chickens that are not kept in a fenced in run at all, They have the free will to go anywhere on 40+ acres, But they never really use all of that space, The farthest they've gone was about 260 yards away from their actual coops. My guineas on the other hand will disappear for days and come back to eat or/and drink. They'll go across the road into 50 acres of forest sometimes as well.
Mine have spread out a little over 200 yards from the house. The furthest was going out to where the hay rings and cows were. They have been to my neighbors house 120 yards away but really didnt go so far into the milo/wheat field on the other side. However when either of us goes outside the mad rush begins. Since the coyotes thinned my flock and i was given a rooster they range about 50 to 60 yards. Their free range time has been cut in half and our outdoor activity has increased. The heat also keeps them in our flower beds under shrubs where my wife waters daily. We just have to keep an eye on them.
My first flock consisting of 1 BR,4 EE AND 1 BSL no rooster. They used to range as much as 350 yards from the coop into the back fields but never crossed the dirt road 150 ft in front of the house. My present flock including the BR from the original flock are all young birds with no rooster. They haven`t gone more than 100 yards from home. The new flock (all laying) consist of 4 dom`s,1 EE,1 RIR,2 GLW, 1 BA and my old BR greedy. My girls free range from sun up to sundown 7 days a week.

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