How good are these Sumatras?

One thing to remember is that if Sumatras are raised indoors or spend a majority of time indoors (as most show birds are) the male's combs can be red and that is expected. With time in the sun you'll find their combs darken and look gypsy mulberry), the way they should.
Thanks, these ones look to be outdoors from the pictures. That is very good to know!
Breeding the red face out is very difficult. Also the male could have a better carriage. His back is a little short and he is a little to upright in the chest.
Look beautiful to me! But I am no help because my Sumatra came from a feed store and is full of “faults” (I think she’s beautiful of course) a mother’s love right? :D

Is your plan to breed, show? If they’re just for the backyard they would be mighty impressive!

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