How high can hens fly?

Might seem OTT but I clipped the wings of our 5-weeks-old Sussex, BR and Marans who were clearing between 3' to 4' of chicken wire. Had a BR clear my head easily (I'm 6' socked) and a Coucou de France on the coop roof and that's 7'. The other question is how far can they fly? A young Limousine hen hearing the kitchen door open covered 37' about 2' off the ground. I was so surprised I had to measure it out. Seriously could not believe it...
Agree with what the "what they CAN versus what they normally DO" But, it is precisely that unpredictability that is the issue. With one clipped wing, just trim the flight feathers, you'll likely not have too much issue with a 4 or 5 foot fence. Here's a Speckled Sussex sitting on a 6' feet as if he owns the world. He's did that on a virtual vertical leap. No sweat. Yes, he got his wings trimmed. He had less inclination as he got older too.

Everything on here with their stories are so very true. I clipped one of my birds because she would jump over the fence, the fence is 4' tall, well even after clipping she still jumps out. Clipping really doesn't change anything because chickens will jump really high too. You just need to make sure the chickens have everything they want and they usually stay put. If a chicken wants out, it'll find a way unless you pen them the whole time but that makes the chickens upset.
My mille fleur d'uccle hen and roo will just jump straight up in the air 6 ft onto the roof of our run, and the hen has 1 wing clipped. About 1/2 of my flock of 37 chickens jumped onto and over our 4 ft. chainlink fence since it has a bar across the top, but no one jumps over my 40 inch electric poultry netting (not electrified) since they can't perch on it.
Interesting ... I read this thread then a couple hours later I hear my husband yelling "Hey, you've gotta come see this!" and this is what I saw:


Yep, that's Samantha, one of our EE Hens. She's on the overhead garage door tracts and she flew up there all by herself!
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Fred's Hens :

...But, it is precisely that unpredictability that is the issue. With one clipped wing, just trim the flight feathers, you'll likely not have too much issue with a 4 or 5 foot fence. Here's a Speckled Sussex sitting on a 6' feet as if he owns the world. He's did that on a virtual vertical leap. No sweat. Yes, he got his wings trimmed. He had less inclination as he got older too.

I lost two birds because I was sure they wouldn't fly over my six foot high fence. Why would they when they have lush green grass to eat and bushes to hide out in? I'll never know why they did but they did. Once they got over the fence it only took a moment for a mini-Dachshund to grab and kill them. I was utterly heartsick. All of our 50 chickens now have their right-side flight feathers clipped. They can still launch a good 4' but so far I haven't seen any of them come close to clearing the six foot fence. I'm sure, as Fred's photo illustrates, they could hop up and land 6 feet, if they had somewhere to land. Thankfully, they don't. I still worry that one might clear the 6 foot fence but so far we're good.​
My Leghorns can easily clear my 8ft fence. If you sneek up on them or the D'Anvers they're 15ft in the air! My 70+ other chickens and ducks never try to goeover the fence, just under it. I have Aussie Spots and Guneas and they nver go anywhere.

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