How high is a chicken's back?


12 Years
Feb 2, 2007
Western Montana
I'm trying to build some things for the coop today. I've read that putting the water trough at the "height of the chicken's back" will keep poo out of it. Well... I don't have adult chickens, nor do any of my friends. So- how tall is a chicken's back? I have RIR, SLWyandottes, Barred Rocks, and an Ameraucana, so I guess I want to know how high these breed's back are. A rough estimate will do.


Thanks folks. I built it to 9" following your estimates. I figure I can always slip a piece of wood under it if it needs to be an inch or two taller.

You'll see the coop pictures in the coop forum in a week or two- I still have a big of staining, fencing, and other final touches left. It is looking good, though!


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