How is your flock today?

Please do that is some very interesting stuff. I totally understand the limited landfill space and if I lived there I would probably be doing the same.

We live in such a wasteful society now a days and it drives me crazy! :barnie No wonder why they are looking to Mars for another planet to ruin! LOL
Agreed! And we ain't moving to Mars anytime soon and why would we? It's def a downgrade. We should just learn to live with out killing the 1 thing we all have. Planet earth. Not hard to do really.
No where is it more apparent than on a little island. With that said. Our habits have been pretty good and resourceful for 100's of years as getting things here used to be tuff. Now... they are shipping all of this crap in with all that it is wrapped and packed in... it is ridiculous and overwhelming. And still harder to get than you guys. I can not even wrap my mind around all the waste you folks must be producing just for 1x use.
Everyday I try to do better but it feels like a losing battle.
No where is it more apparent than on a little island. With that said. Our habits have been pretty good and resourceful for 100's of years as getting things here used to be tuff. Now... they are shipping all of this crap in with all that it is wrapped and packed in... it is ridiculous and overwhelming. And still harder to get than you guys. I can not even wrap my mind around all the waste you folks must be producing just for 1x use.
Everyday I try to do better but it feels like a losing battle.
I try to buy useful thing's that will last in wear and tare. I also try to re-purpose some thing's, and take other thing's in for recycling.
We should just learn to live with out killing the 1 thing we all have. Planet earth. Not hard to do really.
Take GREED out of the equation and that might be a possibility. Too many people in this world who are all about how much they can take without ever giving anything back to mother earth. :mad:

I heated with wood for many years but I also planted my fair share of trees along the way to help offset what I used. :)
I've that you are so handy @416. I wish we could all just fix our broken sh*tuff but they no longer make it so it can be fixed. We are drowning in the mess we have made- our crap.
I think I read some place that man made man and man will destroy man! It's a very sad story but very true, just have a look around us. :(
@TropicalBabies I am curious if Hawaii has the daylight saving's time over there. I am in Arizona, and we don't do it, but it's still confusing to me. In the spring when everyone set's the clock's an hour ahead, California catches up to me, but in the fall when everyone set the clock's an hour behind, Mountain time catches up to me. :confused:
I can not even wrap my mind around all the waste you folks must be producing just for 1x use.
I have noticed since this whole Covid thing hit, that more and more people are having stuff shipped to their door step over going out to the stores and purchasing the stuff.

I get the whole safety issues etc. with people, but all that extra packaging and used shipping supplies has to go somewhere? The increase in delivery trucks going up and down the roads has also exploded.
@TropicalBabies I am curious if Hawaii has the daylight saving's time over there. I am in Arizona, and we don't do it, but it's still confusing to me. In the spring when everyone set's the clock's an hour ahead, California catches up to me, but in the fall when everyone set the clock's an hour behind, Mountain time catches up to me. :confused:
That is what happens when you get caught in the middle. Someone is either blowing and or sucking, it's always going to be windy! :gig :lau

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