How is your flock today?

One good tap on the beak and I bet he will start seeing it your way!

@416bigbore, now there's a thought. I hadn't heard of tapping on his beak. I've tried: "pecking" back with my fingers, pulling his hackle feathers, holding him down. I've never done the "carry him around under my arm" thing because he is fast and squirmy, and I'm afraid I might drop him.

I don't free range -- too many predators -- so the only reason I have him is to perpetuate my flock, should I need/want to.
@416bigbore, now there's a thought. I hadn't heard of tapping on his beak. I've tried: "pecking" back with my fingers, pulling his hackle feathers, holding him down. I've never done the "carry him around under my arm" thing because he is fast and squirmy, and I'm afraid I might drop him.

I don't free range -- too many predators -- so the only reason I have him is to perpetuate my flock, should I need/want to.
Any animal of dominance will challenge, humans and or any other living animal for the purpose of being the head of the flock and or herd. Animals can sense fear and if you don't hold your ground, they can sense your fear!

I agree to have a Roo for perpetuate, but that doesn't give them the right to bite the hand that feeds them. YOU rule the Roost, not them. If he needs to go away and be replaced, so be it, this is your flock and you have the final say. :D
Hello, How is everyone and their flock doing this fine day?

Our flock is doing fine, it has finally starting to dry up nicely once again. I am sure it will be short lived and back to the muddy mess again in a day or two! LOL

Chewy took his first shower this morning and it was kind of funny how it happened. Similar to rule #1, Rule #2 goes like this, Don't come at the guy with your Hackles raised when he has the garden hose in his hand and is changing out your waterers. Yup, Chewy got introduced to rule #2! :gig :lau

I am very adamant about everyone of our animals having fresh water twice a day and why he decided today was the day to mess with me, I have no clue? :confused: Chewy keeps it up, he may not make it to Rooster statues! LOL
Hello, How is everyone and their flock doing this fine day?

Our flock is doing fine, it has finally starting to dry up nicely once again. I am sure it will be short lived and back to the muddy mess again in a day or two! LOL

Chewy took his first shower this morning and it was kind of funny how it happened. Similar to rule #1, Rule #2 goes like this, Don't come at the guy with your Hackles raised when he has the garden hose in his hand and is changing out your waterers. Yup, Chewy got introduced to rule #2! :gig :lau

I am very adamant about everyone of our animals having fresh water twice a day and why he decided today was the day to mess with me, I have no clue? :confused: Chewy keeps it up, he may not make it to Rooster statues! LOL
But, too "Chewey" at this age for BBQ. Might as well give him some time! Pressure Cooker Chicken is always an option for the "bad boyz"!
Ducklings are 1 week old today! Twice the size they were last week when hatched! They eat like there is no tomorrow. This morning I went out the the She Shed brooder, and found out that I had left the light on all night, so they were stuffed, food and water gone, ate all night!:lau
My flock is doing good. My broody white NN hen is still trying to hatch her 2 plastic egg's.

I did have 7 Silver Grey Dorking's that left here this morning to go to 2 separate home's. That freed up the coop and run a bit. So now there's only NN's and Aloha's that are left out there. I'm ready to start my breeding project after the Aloha pullet's start laying.

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