How is your flock today?

She is mad at me for suggesting she get vaxxed along with her 13yo child.
I got Amazon Xmas list for the kids and a polite sorry your mom is dying. Easier to ask you 🤣

Arizona is on Mountain Standard Time(link is external). Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings, with the exception of the Navajo Nation. Arizona previously observed Daylight Savings beginning in 1918, but made the permanent change to Standard time in 1968.

Time zones in the United States developed in the mid-nineteenth century to accommodate railroad schedules, which required standardizing time across the nation. Before the adoption of time zones, local communities each observed their own time schedules.

Ah! Chicken psychology back at me! And you are so right.... I was like maybe I could just sneak them in w/o DH knowing... thanks @416!
Just tell your DH that the duck's are a new breed of chicken's! :lau
@416bigbore If your duck's like that much water, maybe your chicken's will have to take up this new hobby. :gig


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