How long after eggs start rocking? UPDATE: They're hatching!


Graceland Farms
10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
Broodyland, TN
My Coop
My Coop
How long after eggs start rocking do they hatch? Or pip? or anything? I see some rocking as of last night and heard chirping through the incubator today, even though I don't see any eggs even pipped yet. I put them in late (9pm) on August 1st, so they aren't even due until late saturday or sunday.

First hatch, no idea what to expect! I had at least 4 rocking last night, and I think more but hard to tell where it is coming from.
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I heard cheeping at 6 am this morning and noticed my first pip at 4pm today and day 21 does not start til lunchtime tomorrow:) Keep me posted on how things progress:fl
Of course I have to work late today and won't be home until almost 7pm. Agh! Can't wait to run home and check the incubator! I last looked about 7am before I left for work. This is torture
mine are due to hatch the 23 so i took the egg turner out yesterday but forgot to raise the humidity....then today 1 started piping and i noticed the humidity was like 23 so i ran to the kitchen and filled 4 sponges up with hot water and ran and put them in the incubator but he hasnt made any progress since then:(
These must be super little hercules chicks. I came on here to post that I had 7 pips now......went back to look and had a chick! completely out!

By the time I got pics taken and uploaded, I went back to look. Another chick out! And another with a good chunk of the shell off. And another with a really decent start. Plus the other 4 pips that are still just started. Plus 8 with no pips yet, although a few have rocked a bit.

These chicks are just zooming right along. They aren't even due until Sunday.....

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