How long after eggs start rocking? UPDATE: They're hatching!

Make that 7 these bantams sure hatch fast + 7 pips that leaves 10 still to go:eek:
I just checked and I have 5 out now.....still not due until Sunday, so hopefully I get more. They are rowdy little dudes. I do still have 3 more that were pipped and 8 more that have not pipped yet.
Final count for now: 8 RIR chicks, 1 Salmon Favorelle chick. Still have 1 RIR egg that appears to be a no-go, and 6 Salmon Fav eggs left. 2 have pips (1 appears to be done/blood in pip area), 4 have nothing. I swear I heard chirping from in there, so I think the pipped Salmon Fav egg (it just pipped recently) is still working. I had to take all the chicks out as they were super rambunctious and just bowling through all the eggs.

Pics in a minute!

My RIR's are the bomb!!!!! I guess this makes us "chick-in-laws"!!!!!!!! So glad you had a good hatch! Thanks for keeping me updated!!!

Edited to say that the chicks are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, Vickie, we are now "chick-in-laws"! The eggs from you were awesome.....those chicks just busted right out and were zooming around afterwards. I had a Salmon Fav chick out in the incubator that was already a few hours old and halfway fluffed out when the last RIR hatched. That RIR had pipped a long time prior and was way later than the others....I wasn't even expecting anything from it. But when it hatched, it was immediately more active than the one from hours prior. I swear it must have busted right out the shell singing and dancing. It was flopping around the incubator chasing after the other chicks.

Can't way to see what they grow into!

I also have another Salmon Fav chick hatched out this morning (whoo hoo!) and another one that is pipped...and sort of zipped? It just keeps making a larger area around the pip. Maybe the one flopping around the incubator drying will cheer it on. I'm just happy I ended up with at least 2! I hate having only 1 of a breed.....
Well the one doing a weird zipping thing died in the shell. I have one more that is pipped....has gotten pretty quiet now, so I am not expecting much.

The pretty final tally is 10 chicks: 8 of 9 RIR, 2 of 7 Salmon Fav. This is not counting the early quitters (from a power outage/temp spike). The early quitters were in the first 5 days. They count technically, but not counting the power going out and making things go crazy, I did pretty well on the RIR, not so well on the Salmon Fav.

This was my first hatch, and on a still air LG, and with shipped it could have been worse!


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