How long after you got your first egg did you get your second?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 4, 2009
Centralia, WA
My 6 1/2 month old Silkie laid her first egg 12 days ago and I haven't gotten one since. Is this normal for a Silkie? Is it normal for all types of chickens? Should I be concerned?
Seems to me that silkies and cochins do this. Lay an egg and then several days pass and then another. Mine do that all the time. Sometimes they will lay three days in a row and then nothing for four or five. Is she acting normal? If so then I would not worry.
My Delaware's started laying and never missed a beat until the ice storm. They were sparse for a couple weeks then and now are right back to clockwork. I have not had Silkie's but usually chickens will lay and then skip because their body is regulating for egg production. I wouldn't worry too much. Might want to make sure you don't have an egg eater, but beyond that it wouldn't be a huge concern yet.
I got my very first egg yesterday from a 5 1/2 month old Rhode Island Red. Then, about 2 or 3 hours later, she laid two more, and was proudly sitting on them and tending to the straw nest in which they were laid. I reached under her and replaced them with golf balls, and she didn't brood, and was out shortly with the other girls. I thought it unusual to get 3 eggs in one day especially on her first day of laying!
I should add, too, that I live in the San Francisco Bay Area in California, and the weather is quite mild here, and yesterday was sunny and warm. I don't know what would happen if I lived in a much colder clime, how the hens would be in terms of winter egg laying habits.
It seems like a long time to me but I have never had a new layer. When my hens started back up after thier molt, they didn't miss a beat. I got a second egg the next day.
Yes, she is acting just fine. Thanks for responding. I wasn't super anxious about getting eggs. On my list of reasons to get these gals, eggs were on the bottom. But it was pretty thrilling to open the egg door and get that first one! So, I am thinking that eggs may get moved up a little higher on my list of reasons why I have them
Kidsmaw, I am sorry to steal your thread, but I am not sure if the question got answered. My Delaware Cora laid her first egg last Wednesday. She is 17 weeks old. I have not gotten a second egg, and there is no sign of anyone eating them. I didn't really see a for sure answer if this could be normal and she may lay sporadically for a few weeks, or what. Anyone else have pullets that dropped the first one and then didn't lay again for days/weeks?
Thanks for any more answers, I am still sort of a newbie and don't know if I should be worrying or not.

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