how long after zipping starts should you wait before helping?


In the Brooder
May 1, 2015
Had one egg start zipping around 15 and a half hours ago, it has made it all the way around but still hasn't popped out should i intervene or no?
Had one egg start zipping around 15 and a half hours ago, it has made it all the way around but still hasn't popped out should i intervene or no?
If it has zipped and not finishing try playing this near the bator:


If that doesn't motivate it to finish then yes, I would help. It can take forever for them to go from pip to zip but USUALLY once they start zipping they finish within 1/2 an hour. The cheeping usually motivates them though, so I would try that first.
If it has zipped and not finishing try playing this near the bator: If that doesn't motivate it to finish then yes, I would help. It can take forever for them to go from pip to zip but USUALLY once they start zipping they finish within 1/2 an hour. The cheeping usually motivates them though, so I would try that first.
Still no hatching, my mom is watching them she says the membranes look dry, 1 that had zipped she says the membrane looks to be detached from the shell, the membrane is broken but she says looks like the chick can't get out any advice on this?
Still no hatching, my mom is watching them she says the membranes look dry, 1 that had zipped she says the membrane looks to be detached from the shell, the membrane is broken but she says looks like the chick can't get out any advice on this?
If the zipper is still not out, I would definitely help. If the pippers have nice white papery membranes that's good. If they are turning a yellowish/tan color and leathery or sticky then they are drying out and they will need assistance. When you have membranes drying, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is pull out the egg and wet the membrane with a q-tip or cottonn ball. Increase the pip hole so you can see the inner membranes and asses if they are drying and sticking to the chick. If they are drying and sticking to the chick then wet them too (luck warm water is best) but make sure you are not getting water in the nose. Once they are moistened take a pair of tweezers and carefully pull the membrane back from any area where it is stuck to the chick. Once the membranes are moistened and unstuck wet a paper towel and wrap it around the back of the egg (not around the pip hole) and replace it in the bator and let it try to make it's own progress. Make sure the humidity in the bator is above 65%. I prefer 75%. If you are going to open and assist you need your humidity higher than someone that is a hands off hatcher.

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