How long can goose eggs survive without being incubated?

Dec 6, 2019
I have no incubator because buying one wont make sense for me because I live in an area with rotating blackouts. My only choice to have goslings is to have geese go broody on them. I have 7 female geese but my production is only twice a year. One in march and one in december.

Someone told me that if I want to double or triple the number of fertile eggs, I have to gather the eggs and set them aside so the females will mate again to lay another batch. People with incubator have this easier but since I brood manually my geese stops laying eggs once there is a cluster.

I heard that I can set aside the eggs and not incubate them so the mothers will lay again. I want to know how many days I can keep fertilize eggs alive without incubating them?

People with incubators are able to get eggs 4 times in a month I heard. So how can I hoard the eggs before I decide to have them go under a broody mother?

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