How long can my dog "hold it"? ;)

If it's horrible weather outside my chis won't go off the porch and I must be a bad momma cuz I don't make them
I put a puddle pad down in the laundry room, which is a concrete floor, and allow them to potty inside.
Seriously! What are you thinking! You must put on your raincoat, get the biggest umbrella you can find, and go out there with her, holding the umbrella over her until she goes!

JK, my dog is a baby about the rain too, she stands just outside the door and does a doggie potty dance before braving the wind and rain.

I can't really blame her though, I take showers and love swimming too, but I wouldn't want to go squat in a storm. She gets me back though by coming in and rubbing her cold wet self all over me and my bed.
lol its has been snowing here all day ... we can't get our rottweiler off the bed to go outside to take care of business .........lazy dog ..
My dog held it for a 26 hour car ride once, all the way from Utah to Missouri, with a few hours of sleep on the way. He absolutely refuses to go on a leash or on pavement (Don't call peta, I swear I gave him plenty of opportunity). When we got to MO he lifted his leg for 5 minutes straight.

I no longer fear leaving him home alone.

I have to confess to being one of the horrible "give them a piddle pad" crowd.
My baby is tiny and I won't let her out without a leash (no fenced area for her to go) so we BOTH have to get drenched and frozen if she does go outside.
These are great stories, isn't it amazing the quirks our K9 friends have? Katie, who almost refused to go out in yesterday's rain, is now refusing to COME IN from the snow. She's romping around like a puppy out there, barking and biting the snow. What a goofball....
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my boxer can holding it forever but he is a male and I also have a daushund male....they run outside to have a peeing contest...its a male dog thing....female dogs are different.....I have never been able to house train a female dog for some reason....

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