How long can they live with out food?


8 Years
Mar 23, 2014
Hi all.. i have been treating my 16 week old buff orp hen for cocci since friday night by syringe. She ate alittle on saturday evening and seemed more lively, and then yesterday hardly anything at all until evening. How long is this medicine going to take? poop has returned to normal tho eating has not and still way lethargic.. 6 pm will be 36 hours of syringe dosing about every hour to 2 hours except the overnight. Can she even survive this? should i give up? ohhh i'm feeling helpless... thx
every few hours with corid water.. heavier dose than feeder for others in flock.. also mixed with yogurt which i discontinued last night.. helllppppp
I don't know if you're supposed to use the medicine for that long, but I haven't used it so take that with a pinch of salt. Depending on what's actually in the medicine an overdose could be a problem.

Is she eating at all? You could try giving her vitamin water if you're not. If you have access to good raw honey that can be a lifesaver, as it's got protein, enzymes, electrolytes, minerals, probiotics and more in it.

I use fresh raw garlic to prevent cocci, so I've never had any problems with it, but I have heard of it being used to treat advanced cases as well. You could try offering her some freshly minced raw garlic but if she's not eating in this state I doubt she would try something new while she feels sick. Mixing medicines can be an issue too, sorry it's not much help.

Best wishes with her.
When you are treating for coccidiosis you do not want to give any yogurt or buttermilk and do not give any added vitamins until the course of treatment is finished. Corid works by starving the cocci protozoa so giving vitamins negates it's effects. The course of treatment is 5 to 7 days with medicated water as the only source of water. Usually you will see improvement in a day or so, longer if it was a severe outbreak.

What strength are you mixing the Corid?

Tube feeding is a good way to get nutrition into them, I've never done it but Casportpony here has some good instructions on how to do it.
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Oh girls thank you for your help.. Marigold crossed the rainbow bridge this afternoon :( Thank you for listening and offering assistance.. i think she was just too far gone..poor girl
Sorry you lost her, she did sound like she wasn't going to make it, but you never know until you try.

About Corid working by starving them, I heard it interferes with thiamin uptake in the cocci, not by causing total starvation of them. I also haven't heard of them being denied all other food or nutrients during treatment. First time for everything I guess... I've never used Corid, so I'm no expert on it. I'll stick to garlic for dealing with cocci, myself, but each to their own.

Best wishes.
Sorry you lost her...
If something like this happens again you should consider tube feeding. It's much safer and way less stressful to the person and the bird. There is a tube feeding link in my sig.

You can also give Corid as an Oral drench. The dose for 9.6% liquid Corid is .2ml per 2.2 pounds (~20mg/kg). Haven't done the math for the powder yet.

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my other girls are doing perfectly and i cleaned out the hen house last evening and raked all sand and freshened up and washed all feeders and waters with vinegar so i think we are on the road again. How long must you wait before adding others back to this pen? Poor Mari just would nt eat or drink anything for the last two days.. it broke my heart ;(

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