How long can they stay in incubator?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 31, 2011
I have four eggs in my incubator and three have pipped. I'm not sure what time they started as I found them that way when I got home from work this afternoon. The eggs are rocking and rolling in there and you can hear them chirping! My question is if they are not out by in the morning and then hatch while I am at work will it be okay to leave them in the incubator? Or...if they hatch overnight and are not dry by the time I have to leave will they be okay?!
Well it for sure won't be that long. Just wanted to make sure they could last 8-10 hours in there!
Thanks! And I was right two hatched overnight last night and are no where near dry this morning! They will have to stay until I get home around 4:30 this afternoon. Hopefully they won't beat up on the other eggs that are trying to hatch too badly.

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