How long do cory cats live?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Just wondering cuz mine are like 6 years old now. Male and female. They used to lay eggs alot before I moved them to a smaller tank.
They can go 10-15 years if well cared for. I can't keep corys alive in my tank for anything, which I hate, 'cause I like the little buggers!
Oh Lord! That long? If you weren't so far away you'd be getting two for Christmas!
I did a little googling and it appears yours are just youngsters. Several hits saying they have lived to nearly 30 years.

When I was a kid. Every year when we were on vacation, the power would go out and I lost everything except the pleco. So for me <1 year.


The dang fish are gonna outlive me!
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We just inherited our albino pleco Bob. I'm not sure if cory cat is similar to a pleco. He is about 7 years old. He used to share a tank with cichlids, but he out lived em all.
He now shares a tank with some peaceful community fish.

Googled cory cat. I guess they are similar.
It's been awhile since we have raised fish at our house.

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I feel this way about my pet California Kingsnake. It was cool having a pet snake when I was a teenager, but I feel it is going to be odd for a white haired granny! He is now somewhere between 25 and 30 years old and getting truly geriatric. Pathetically decrepit is more like it. So he is not likely to make it to my grannyhood.

I have a small school of Corydoras barbatus that are 12 years old and still breeding. My Jaguar Catfish is even older. I had a school of twelve Clown Loaches for 15 years (bought as 1 inchers at around the same time I acquired my king snake); they are now living in a 500 gallon aquarium at the fish store where I worked as a teen, so they are also getting close to 30 and almost all of them are over a foot long.
Mine lasted a good 10+ years. I lost track exactly, could have been 11 or 12 years
The oldest one might have hit 13.
I got them when I was 12 or 13 and my sister took over caring for them when I moved out to college.
I've had them live at least 8-10 yrs (I forget) and then get passed along to another person when I went off to college, so I'd say "at least that long". Honestly a very large number of fish will live for a decade or decades in nature or in GOOD aquarium conditions. It is really depressing to face the realization that the aquarium industry (both the business end, and consumers) by and large treats these animals as disposables.

Good luck, have fun,

Mine lived 13-14 years. They are one of my favorite fish. They're so cute, peaceful and just forage around all day. Like little chickens in the tank.

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