How long do hens stay broody?

Being that your hen had already been sitting for month another 3 or 4 weeks until a new batch of eggs hatched is two months that she has barley eaten or moved. I only allow hens to sit for one batch period. It's not cruel to break a broody. It's more cruel to allow them to sit another three weeks.
Surely their metabolic rate slows and they come out once a day and eat and drink what they need?
I had a broody hen which I put bought fertile eggs under, they all hatched but sadly one died! Because I am new to all of this, I made the mistake of separating her off with her chicks from the other big hens as they can be a bit nasty sometimes :(. Do I now re introduce her and the chicks as if they are new hens? As I've tried putting mummy hen back in but one of my big chickens goes for her!
The hen will get over it.... so far the suggestions I've seen are less than impressive (of the Marquis de Sade variety).
Don't lock her up in a cage, or put her in solitary confinement or anything else of that type - it will unnecessarily stress her (could even make her sick) and who wants that... I have a hen that occasionally goes broody,,, let her go through with it (I collect eggs as usual when she goes out to feed) and guess what, in just a little while she is back to normal. Comes and goes... don't sweat it and certainly don't resort to the 'hot lamps and thumbscrews' suggestions I've been reading thus far. Bejeezus!
I have a hen who has been broody for about 8 weeks. She isn't looking good and my hubby thinks she needs to "go". I'm sad. Her waddle, etc are shrinking and very pale. Is it something else!
A broody hen barely eats or drinks much of anything. Why has she been siting for 8 weeks is an issue? She is malnourished and probobly very dehydrated by this point. You will also want to check her for mites etc.
How long does this broodiness go on for though? I have a light Sussex and she has been broody on and off for the past six months! Roughly three weeks on and two off... I've been dunking her in water to cool her down and it works a treat and she doesn't seem to mind.... But a couple of weeks later and it all starts again!!
I'm hoping someone will be able to help. I've recently picked up two young bantam hens and one went broody two maybe three weeks ago. I've just bought her some fertile eggs to hopefully hatch. I've just read after 21 days they stop being broody. Is this true?
Thank you
One of my year old hens has been broody for about a week( she started while I was away and hubbie was in charge). She was sitting on nothing and is also having a bad moult. She really does look a mess.

To start with she was very aggressive, but now we can take her off every day to eat and drink for about 10 minutes. I'm not sure she likes it, but I think it's best for her.

Yesterday I decided to put 2 eggs under her, just so that she has something to brood. I have no idea if they are fertile and I have not removed her from the nest box in the coop.

I'm just leaving it to nature really. If she does not hatch anything after about 25 days I will remove them close the nest box until she gets over it.

At the same time as this, I actually saw one of the layers peck and open and start eating another egg today! The chicken is about 1 year old and has never done this before that we are aware of, my Hungarian neighbour suggested I get some Mace, does anyone know if this works, and how I should use it please?
I too have a broody hen. However I have no roosters just 2 pet hens and she's gone broody. I can't stay out there 24/7 but would assume she must come out to eat and drink on occasion. She laid her last egg a week ago but the other hen is laying in same box so I assume she just asks her nicely to move over :). I get the eggs as soon as I see them. How long will she go broody with no rooster - there's won't be a chick.

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