how long do we waite before giving up

chickie momma di

11 Years
Jun 6, 2008
Southeastern, MA
hi everyone. i have a question i hope someone can answer. how long should we hold out hope for? today is day 22 and only one pip and quiet.
on day 20 one did hatch but somehow ended up with a twisted neck when i got home from work. very sad. she still won't leave the nest but what do we do if there arnt any good eggs? i mean will she just give up? or will she remain broody? should i take the eggs out tomorrow if we don't see anything happening?
hi hay that pulletts de cajin video is awsome!!!! what pretty birds you have.

we are gonna have to give her a few more days and keep our fingers crossed.

i wish we knew of a hatchery thats not more than a half day ride from us where we could get her a chick if this doesn't work out. you don't know of one do you?

the waiting is killing me.

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