How long do you wait after Day 21?


11 Years
Jun 8, 2008
Feura Bush, NY
Well today is day 21 and nothing yet. I was wonderfing what is the maximum time I should wait before I throw in the towel? Should I candle to see if there is anything there or just let it be?

It is okay to wait a couple of days. If you want to candle, handle the eggs very carefully so as not to spin the egg or tip it up on end. Look in the air sac end... carefully, to see if you can see a beak or anything protruding into it. This will tell you if they are positioning to hatch.
Good luck and keep us posted.

ETA: Sometimes you will have a late bloomer or your calendar may be off too. It has happened to me several times.
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Chris, First I`m no expert :) but thanks to the wonderful folks here I left mine till day 24! Thinking they were doomed, but thankfully I had most actually hatch then and two more on day 25.
I considered day 1 the first day after I put the eggs in the bator. They are all bantams and I thought I read here that they usually go early day 19 or 20?. Day 21 offical ends at 4pm today. I am expecting 15 welsh harlequin duck eggs today so I was hoping they went early:D

I have a simailar problem I placed all eggs in the incubator the same day 4 days ago 4 hatched I have another 10 that so far nothing, how long do I wait?

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