
6 Years
May 17, 2013
i have about 18 eggs in the bator that one started hatching a two days ago but died whilst hatching (i think the humidity was to low as membrane was dry and went air tight around the chick

BUT i have one that started hatching yesterday and has chipped about a hole the size of a thumba nail however some of it is only the shell, what do i do?! do i help and pick of the membrane because its going dry and tight....

what should i do? the chick is however active and looks loose and ready to come out as its day 22 in the incubator but i dont think its strong enough to break the shell

Try not to panic. It takes many hours for chicks to hatch from external pip to hatching can take 24 hours I personally would not intervene before that. Try to make sure your humidity is up to at least 65% to keep that shell soft and membrane moist. Can you post a pic. Some times parts of shell come off before they start to break through membrane. I once had a big chunk of shell come off and could see the membrane but the chick didn't zip and hatch for several more hours. Try not to worry and good luck.:hugs
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Thank you! Here's a pic I hope has come through and it's been a day or more since I found the crack :)
One of my chicks started to make a pip hole yesterday between 2 and 3 pm. Only a little piece of the shell came off and the membrane has not been broke through. I could hear him chirping all day yesterday and even until about 2:30 this morning. When I got up at 5:30am for school i checked again, and there was no sound or movement at all. At this point it had been over 12 hrs. Do you think the chick is ok? I will be at school most of the day so I cant stay home and watch. Im hoping when I get home I will have a hatched chick....
Try not to worry from pip to hatch can take 24 hours so try not to panic. Your chick was chirping and that's a good sign. It was probably resting when you checked and couldn't hear it. Hatching is very hard work for chicks and they often takes breaks during the process. Hopefully you will have hatched chick when you return. I would only recommend assisting as very last resort. Try to keep your humidity up to at least 65%. Good luck with your hatch.:fl
So I just got home from school and the chick had died :(. I opened the shell to look and everything looked fine untill i got down close to the bottom and there was green stuff on the chick. I quit at that point because i didnt want to get it on me. Has anyone else seen this before and know what caused it? I'm sorry to hear your chick died.:hugs Sometimes these things happen and is all part of incubating and hatching. I have had eggs hatch with some debris in the egg which is just normal egg waste - the poop that has no where to go when the chick is in the egg was what you found a lot and smelly? Had all the yolk been absorbed and veins not bleeding when you opened it up?
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