How long does it take for an egg to hatch


7 Years
Jun 30, 2012
Instead of collecting the eggs, I decided to give my hen a chance to set on the eggs. I was told that
they do not lay when it is too hot. The last couple days it has been 104 degrees. She has laid two eggs
a day in the last two days. So I guess the heat does not bother her, How long should she be setting on them. I let them roam during the day. But have noticed she has been going back in to set once in a while.

I have 4 milk crates set up with wood shavings in them with a ladder to get up there. However, she is laying the
eggs in a plastic container with shavings setting on the ground. I have not seen any of the hens getting up
in the milk crates. I do not have a roost built. Is there something I can do to get them to use these nests?

How long does it take for them to hatch,

Will the chicks be safe with the other chickens?

When I first got my hens they were loosing their feathers on their back. I saw one pull the other ones feathers. I read
that it could be a lack of protein.

I started feeding them dry cat food with their other food and alot of table scraps. I am careful what I give them.
I did look up what they can and cant have.

Their feathers have started to come back. Is that a coincidence?

I have lived on 11 acres for about 26 years and have had horses. I dont know what made me decide to get some
chickens. But I am so glad I did. I just love them. And my rooster is the prettiest and sweetest thing. I thought I was
going to have to be careful around him but he is the perfect Gentlemen.

Love my chickens. Sure would like some Guinneas too,

I know they are happier than were they came from because they get to get out and eat grass and bugs, where
they were before all they had was dirt to run around in.
Glad you're enjoying your chickens :) If I were you I would use this site's search feature to figure out your various challenges.

Definitely build your chickens a perch. From what I've read, the best perch for their feet is a 2 x 4 with the wide part rounded.

Regarding feathers, if they are free ranging a lot they're probably getting bugs, and plenty of nutrients from the greens. You can supplement their diet with plain yogurt and a little scrambled egg. I crush their egg shells in both.

It doesn't sound to me like your hen is broody. Eggs need to stay warm night and day, and the hen turns them every 12 hours. It takes about 20 days (to the best of my memory, I haven't had a broody yet, so this knowledge is second hand) Again, if you do end up with a broody, I highly recommend the search feature to read up on the process.

Last but not least,

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