How long from internal pip to external pip??


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
Hello,i have 1 silkie egg left in lockdown.I candled earlier today and saw the beak in the air cell and heard a peep,so far no external peep,so i was wondering how long should it take for the external pip? I dont like to help but i dont want to loose it this late in the hatch? Thanks for any advice...
Birds will generally external pip no more than 24 hours after internally pipping. This is because the air supply in the air cell runs out in 24 hours or less.
Birds will generally external pip no more than 24 hours after internally pipping. This is because the air supply in the air cell runs out in 24 hours or less.
Thanks for responding.I had to add water to up my humidity and thought id candle real fast to check on him.As soon as i picked up the egg i felt the pip and quickly put it right back and added the water.I was out all day and the humidity dropped to 60,so i hope he is ok.Im not real happy with the LG when it comes to humidity,but im sooo relieved he finally pipped.

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