How Long Should Turkey Eggs Be Available?


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Escanaba, MI
My parents would like me to incubate some heritage turkey eggs for them, so they can have a small flock of meat birds. Now, I am the one who is incubator savvy, so I have no issues doing it for them, but I am traveling in late April to early May. So now doesn't seem like a good time to have eggs in the 'bator for 28 days, when I will be going away for some of that time. Will hatching eggs still be available in early May, when I get back? I don't know how limited the turkey laying season is, which is why I ask. Thanks for any help!
ill still have eggs in may, and ill sell ya some too!
I set a bunch of eggs last summer and went to Europe for 2 weeks. When I got back it was time for lockdown! If you pick up your eggs everyday and don't let them go broody, they should lay through July up there.
We typically have Merriam eggs from Feb to Nov....As a matter of fact I hatched 12 eggs last Dec that were born the week of Christmas. I think it has a lot to do with the environment the turkeys are raised in.
Wow Colby! Did water reservoirs stay filled the entire time to make sure humidity was good?

I decided to get some eggs from a local seller, and will be picking them up sometime during the week, probably Tuesday. A friend will be keeping an eye on the eggs for me while I am away. Thankfully I have a Brinsea w/turner, so it is pretty set and forget, but I do want someone to check on them for me.
Yes, it holds 5 gallons so humidity was not a problem. I use a Dickey's for my special eggs and the common chicken and guinea eggs go in the GQF Sportsman. I just find the Dickey's holds better temp and humidity than the GQF. I think it is because the Dickey's is made of thick wood rather than pressed board.

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