How Long Till she stops laying mixed breed


11 Years
Dec 2, 2008
I have raised all my ducks together (the males and females) and now that they are laying eggs, all the eggs are mixed breed. i was just wondering if anyone knew how long before they will stop laying the mixed breed and begin laying the same breed eggs (if i put them with a male of their breed)

Your ducks will keep on laying mixed breed eggs with a diffrent species of duck unless you seperate them into diffrent pens with their own type...

Fresh Eggs
yes i know that but i just need to know how long before they will stop laying the mixed. They are separated now and have been for a day or so. I have heard that it is at least a month.
I know with chickens it can be up to 4 weeks with the avg. being 2-3 weeks. Most people say to give them at least that 4 weeks to be on the safe side. HTH.
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Yes 3-4 wks is the norm, a month after seperation and you should be at 95% pure or better.

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