How long to hard boil goose eggs in a pressure cooker


9 Years
Oct 27, 2014
Just north of Indianapolis
Apparently nobody on the internet knows how long to hard boil goose eggs in normal boiling water, let alone in an Instant Pot.

I found some soft-boiled goose egg recipes, and some for hard boiling duck eggs. So, I decided to just do 10 minutes in my electric pressure cooker. (NOT an Instant Pot, but the same nevertheless.) I will post whether 10 minutes is long enough after they’re done.
Apparently nobody on the internet knows how long to hard boil goose eggs in normal boiling water, let alone in an Instant Pot.

I found some soft-boiled goose egg recipes, and some for hard boiling duck eggs. So, I decided to just do 10 minutes in my electric pressure cooker. (NOT an Instant Pot, but the same nevertheless.) I will post whether 10 minutes is long enough after they’re done.
great thanks i wanted to know Ill be waiting
10 minutes in the pressure cooker may have been too long…


Part of the problem may be that I do huge batches to feed out to the birds. So it takes a long time for the whole thing to come up to pressure. I may have to do a test batch with a smaller number of eggs.
Ok, so I did a little experiment and boiled 8 goose eggs in my 3 quart pan that I use for boiling a dozen chicken eggs for eating. I took one egg out at 10 minutes of boiling (simmering), one out at 12 minutes, one at 14 minutes, and the rest out at 16 minutes. Here they are, 10-16 minutes, left to right:

It looks like 10 minutes of boiling is a good amount. More than that and they start to get green. But still look perfectly edible. And if this is how they come out from 10 minutes of boiling, then no wonder they were obliterated at 10 minutes of pressure cooking!

The usual rule of thumb for pressure cooking is about 1/3 the time of regular cooking. Next time I will do 3 minutes in the large pressure cooker and see how that comes out.
I did 4 minutes in the large (12 qt) pressure cooker. What I noticed was that the top ones weren’t quite cooked enough but the lower down ones were. This reinforces my thought that the large pot may be too big. I plan to try the 8 quart one and see how that compares.

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