How long will a hen sit?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Washington County, NY
I have a basic question about a hen who has been sitting on eggs for a long time. This is my first time trying to hatch chicks and hers as well. Unfortunately, I lost track of the time but I think she's been sitting on them for longer than usual.

I found a dead chick outside the nest last Wednesday. On Thursday, I found another chick outside the nest who was still alive but had an unabsorbed yolk sack. I tried to nurse this one along but it died the next day.

The hen is still sitting on the remaining 3 eggs. I'm concerned that she is getting weak and the others may not hatch anyway. I tried candling them with a slide projector but couldn't see anything through the shells.

Should I leave it up to her to decide when to give up? The same hen sat on some plastic eggs last year for months, until the weather changed.

I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks!
You could leave her for a few more days. Does she have food and water nearby? I just had a broody sit on eggs. I let her sit for26 days, she didnt have the best time setting, and it turned out none of the eggs hatched. I had to break her broodiness--sh e would have sat longer. If I would have lefte her to decide, she would stilll be sitting.

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