How long will a silkie sit?


Mar 19, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
Pippin REALLY wants to be a mom: so determined!
The eggs we bought her were clear on day 7 so we bought her some new ones- they have not arrived yet!
She's been sitting for around 2 weeks already (we are keeping her on the clear eggs until the new ones arrive)
but I'm worried in case she will be fed up by the time the new eggs arrive (around 3-4 days time). She seems pretty determined to have babies though.
I really don't want to incubate the eggs myself or raise the chicks. I loved raising Kiwi, Pickles and Blue but there is so much mess raising chicks and I hate doing integration!

Last time, when she was broody we gave her a supermarket egg- when we took ot away after 21 days, she stayed on the nest for another 2-3 weeks.

How long can silkies sit on unhatched eggs before giving up?
I've had one sit for over double time, she sat a week on sacrificial eggs, as I got her the right ones, then nothing came out days after they should have, (she's a bit agressive so can't check her eggs, it causes her too much distress), so she got a new batch and sat the full time again, with great success. She's an experienced mother.
Had a first time broody give up, on day 21, right as the chicken had pip'ed 🤷‍♂️

Hens do what they want, can't really plan around it.

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