How long will bad things live on your shoes?

Ballerina Bird

5 Years
Aug 29, 2014
I hope this doesn't sound too crazy. Last Sunday, I was briefly on a property where there were a couple of chickens. They were in a run, which I didn't go into -- I was just walking around on the grass outside the run for a few minutes. On Monday, I had to go outside my own house to talk to someone and put on the shoes I wore to the other property. I am ordinarily very careful about biosecurity and have special chicken shoes that I wear in the chicken yard but slipped these other ones on because I wasn't going into the chicken area. But then, distracted by various things, I walked for a couple of seconds into my chickens' run with the shoes on. As soon as I realized what I had done, I ran out.

So my questions are -- could something bad for my chickens picked up from the other place have survived on my shoes for 24 hours? Everything was totally dry, no mud or dirt on the shoes.

And -- would walking around for a few seconds in the chicken area in those shoes pose a significant risk?

And -- if I did introduce an unfamiliar cocci strain that they can't handle, how long would that take to show up?
Many of the respiratory diseases such as MG or coryza will only remain infectious for a couple of days on shoes and in the environment. Others such as ILT, can survive longer especially in frozen droppings. I would probably just clean hour shoes with some bleach water, and not worry too much.
Many of the respiratory diseases such as MG or coryza will only remain infectious for a couple of days on shoes and in the environment. Others such as ILT, can survive longer especially in frozen droppings. I would probably just clean hour shoes with some bleach water, and not worry too much.

Thanks; I appreciate this!

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