How long will the hens lay fertile eggs after the roo mates with them?


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Fountain, Florida
Just wondering how long the hens will lay fertile eggs after the rooster breeds with her? Is it a daily thing? Or does his sperm stick around with the hens a few days?

We were wanting to hatch another batch out, but 3 days ago we had to lock up poor Tyson. he used to free range with all his hens. Oh...he attacked my 3 year old daughter so to the rooster holding area he went (which by the way is very nice)
Today I put 2 hens in with him and with another rooster in a holding area just in case the hens free ranging aren't fertile.

Thanks in advance. I put eggs in the bator Sunday night!
If I'm saving eggs to incubate I figure a week, if I'm switching roos and want to make sure the new roo is the "daddy" I figure three weeks, or until three eggs in a row don't have a bullseye.
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The hen can still lay fertile eggs upto 4 weeks after you remove the Roo. Fertility of eggs drops the longer they've been seperated, but it really can take that long.
If im doing some selective breeding, i wait between 3 - 4 weeks for my hens to 'detox' before putting a new rooster to them.

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