How many BYCers cannot drive a straight drive (manual) vehicle?

Can you drive a straight drive?

  • Yes, It's the only thing I drive.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but I prefer not to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kind of; I know how to crack it up.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, never learned how to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, and I refuse to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other - Please specify.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I voted other because the first two answers didn't fit me. I like to drive standard, and given the choice probably would. They are better in the snow. It saved my life once in the mountains in Vermont.

So my answer is Yes, I can drive a standard, and would if given the choice

How to drive stick, or how to sit down to BYC with a beverage in hand?

for some reason that made me bust out laughing! XD
I don't QUITE know how to do it...but my lovely (and BRAVE) boyfriend wants to teach me.
He drives a '91 Dodge Stealth TT.
I told him if he treasures that car at all...not to teach me in that.
"Hello, my name is Adrienne and I am stick impaired." I think a lot of my lack of stick know how comes from the fact that everyone yelled at me when I was trying to learn! My mom yelled at me and I ended up in a wheat field. DH tried to teach me, but yelled at me for rolling into oncoming traffic. *Sigh* I can grind the gears, pop the clutch, and stall like nobody's business though! I guess me and a manual tranny are not to be.

Have only driven an "Automatic" once .... give me manual any time. You control the car not the other way round.. well thats the way I see it anyway.........
I learned out of necessity when I was 20. My boyfriend's car was hit by a semi and he was stuck 3 hours away, it was late at night and the only one able to take me to get him was my brother. Except that my brother just got off a 20 hour shift and was beat.
So I had to learn to drive his shift car so he could sleep. I did okay until I got to the turnoff, then I stalled it at the first light and bumped and jumped my way to the truckstop my bf was waiting at!
my standard transmission

My daddy taught me how to drive using a straight stick. Also, if you want to teach your kids how to back a trailer, teach them with a small utility cart behind a tractor. If you can back one of those, you can back anything
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funny story, I can drive a stick if i have to. My car died several years ago and my dad loaned me his for a few weeks. I had never driven a stick before (well once when i was 15 and it was an old farm truck, didnt go well) my dad gave me the keys and said, dont hit anything. I had to learn on the fly.
It took me weeks to be able to pull from a stop on the first try.

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