How many chickens.............

Since production is your goal, I hope your plan and set up allows for yearly addition/integration of new birds. First 2 years are more productive, after that they'll start to slow down. Plus annual molts will slow or stall your egg production in birds 1 year and up.

Definitely make sure you can add birds so maybe getting 40-50 birds this year and 10-20 birds next year. Allow for more extra space than you originally expected
Hi, i have a question how many chickens would i need to get 25-50 eggs a day? i want to know so that i can get that many chicks lol
You should get some chicks in the spring and in the fall so that you can get eggs year-round. Spring chicks don't lay in the winter. Also if you want winter eggs you will have to check every hour or buy a heated nesting box or else they will become frozen and burst. You said that you are ordering 60 chicks right? Be careful with predators and keep the coop or coops clean because disease can spread like wildfire. I recommend getting a goose to scare off small predators. Some people also use llamas which can scare off birds of prey and small predators, for big predators they can alert you of it. But if you get a llama they also come with their own personal needs, health, and housing.
How big a coop do you need in Florida for 50 hens? If there are lots of predators you need a safe run too. How big fo you aim this to be for a happy and healthy flock?

In the Netherlands we have minimum standard for free ranging/organic: 1m2 (11 sqft) inside/covered and 4m2 (44 sqft) outside. 50m2 (220 sqft) coop/all time accessible covered run and 200m2 (2200 sqft) run or free ranging area is quit big.
i will order 60 chicks incase some die

good idea to get more as chicks. Your breed choices are good too, for egg laying to sell.

good point previously mentioned about staggered ages To keep production up. If you have the room, you can make 2 choices: 1. all birds at once, lay for 2 years then replace whole flock (raise chicks during that second summer). Repeat 2 years later. Or 2. Get 30-50 birds then following year 30-50 more, repeat yearly.

if an egg business, you’ll need to decide how you will handle aging birds that decline in production (with possible increase in health issues more prone in high production strains), while They are still eating feed. Sell? Butcher/eat (although high production breeds might be best for soup and broth:idunno). Anyway, your choice.

space: if they feather pick or bully, etc, then not enough space or need some visual interruptions to get out of line of sight.

predators-a-plenty in Florida. So, be prepared!

good luck!
These are my coops and pens. I usually have anywhere from a round 200 to 500 during hatching season, realizing around half of the hatches will be males which I grow out and keep the best as future breeders and sell the rest of them.


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