How many chicks do you have?

Very cute chicks. We were only going to raise two chickens that my two youngest daughters picked out. My oldest daughter(17) felt left out, so she picked hers out the next day. I fell in love with them and now I'm up to 8. My neighbor across the street has a rooster chick, so I'm going to breed my frizzle and keep her chick.

I won't have a problem with too many eggs. I have quite a few people who have been asking me to give them fresh eggs.

You are fortunate to have good neighbors....we already had one that complained because our dog was barking.......I thought well does your dog
I will never understand some people:barnie

Well my neighbor threatened me and another neighbor that if she ever hears a rooster crowing from either of our houses that she will send her dog over to eat our chickens and also that she is going to call the police. Just because she hates chickens. We are clearly allowed roosters where we live.
I have around 100 right now. 30 will go to a friends next wk. When she said she wanted chicks, I didn't realize I would be raising them for the 1st month! Think there might be a few others that will be sold. My daughter slowly weeds them out as they get "character" she only keeps the friendliest & prettiest. However she is 11 so some of the pretty ones are not too pretty! For now we have stopped hatching chicks & have moved on to guineas. O ce the guineas stop laying we will be back to chicks again I am sure!
Oh, hey, that's pretty neat. I have some chicks that are coming next week...would you feed and water them for the next month too? Gotta love friends!
In April we got 6 Barred Rocks and 1 (we thought was a BO) EE and then last week we got 9 buff orpingtons.
We have 18 hens we got last year. My chicken math has taken over and we have way more than the 12 we started out wanting in the beginning.
We do love the eggs!
Let's see,
42 Red Shouldered Yokohamas, 35 Salmon Faverolles, 2 EE hens, 11 Blue Andalusians, 24 Racing Homing Pigeons, 21 Royal Palm Turkeys, 4 mixed breed Turkeys, 38 A&M Quail, & 4 Purple Peafowl. That's 181, so far, but the incubator is running on FULL!
Well I was only going to get 4..I ordered 6, The hatchery only sent 5 and of course I didn't want my money back I wanted my chick. So they can only ship in 3 or more so I HAD to get 3 more so I had turned out to be a roo and I can't have roosters so i had to get give him know what that means I needed another to replace him, this time 4 more I will have them the week of June 27th.

2 BR
1 Golden Comet
1 New Hampshire Red
1 Black astralorp

The new ones are

1 light Brama
1 White Leghorn
1 Brown Leghorn
1 Eater Egger
Ok my first reply to this thread I had 7....I just got five more. I got a silkie/frizzle cross 1 barred rock silkie cross, 1 easter egger, 1 light brahma and one brown leghorn. I am also going to try my luck at hatching and buying 7 hatching eggs this week...i'm addicted!

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