How many duck eggs did you get today?

33!!! From five ducks! One who is broody and sitting tight!

29 of which I cleaned out from under the trailer... Found where they were stashing them before I confined them!

Now I'm wondering how old they are and if I should crack them open and freeze them for the dog... Some are really filthy.
If they have no bad smell to them when you crack them open I would think they would be safe for the dog. I let mine sit on the counter uncleaned for over a month at a time with no problems at all and they don't hurt me so that is where I am coming from. They are in an egg carton, not just laying dirty on the counter.
2 + a clunker from Daphne. Hubby thinks my white Muscovy may have laid her first egg of the season today, but I’m not convinced and think it may have been her sister who I know laid yesterday. ‘Tildy, as usual, contributed her perfect little green egg.
10 Tuesday and 13 yesterday. My brown runner is sitting part time on the eggs. They are warm when I pick them up each evening. Since she is less than a year old I don't put a lot of faith in her going broody for real.
I got 4 today but tonight I found something strange. I had 2 sister mallards sitting on the same nest of 12 eggs. This had been going on for a week. I have found an egg eaten on two different occasions so far. I went tonight and picked up some oyster shell to give to them in case they were lacking something in their diet. The hen that I thought provided the fertile eggs was not in with her sister any longer. Her head has a lot of feathers missing on the back of it is why I figured she was being mated. Sister Hen has all of her feathers but is sitting tight on the nest. I was shocked to find this as for all week they were so closely incubating these eggs. They might not even be fertile as the ones in the house in the incubator seem not to be. I will keep an eye on the eggs and if she deserts them I will put them in the incubator. Strange I thought.
I got 4 today but tonight I found something strange. I had 2 sister mallards sitting on the same nest of 12 eggs. This had been going on for a week. I have found an egg eaten on two different occasions so far. I went tonight and picked up some oyster shell to give to them in case they were lacking something in their diet. The hen that I thought provided the fertile eggs was not in with her sister any longer. Her head has a lot of feathers missing on the back of it is why I figured she was being mated. Sister Hen has all of her feathers but is sitting tight on the nest. I was shocked to find this as for all week they were so closely incubating these eggs. They might not even be fertile as the ones in the house in the incubator seem not to be. I will keep an eye on the eggs and if she deserts them I will put them in the incubator. Strange I thought.
Can the drakes get to these broodies? Drakes sometimes don't care if a duck is sitting on eggs and will breed one this maybe what happened.
Can the drakes get to these broodies? Drakes sometimes don't care if a duck is sitting on eggs and will breed one this maybe what happened.
No, the way my setup is I was shocked that the one was able to fly out. I have never seen my Drake fly so I don't think that is possible plus I also had clipped his right wing too. He doesn't seem to be as agile as my hens. If I find her back in there today with her sister I will know that she just wanted to have a break. Thanks for the thought though. Anything is possible I know.

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