How many duck eggs did you get today?

I got 5 again. My two Mallards are not laying, their eggs are green and one is sitting on eggs. My two Rouen Ducks are 6 and too old. My Mule can't lay. So that is 5 that should not be laying and I only have 9 Hens. That means I should only be getting 4 eggs. Three are very white and the other two are a Cream color. I think the Cream are coming from my Muscovy ducks and two from my Khaki Campbells but where the mystery white one is coming from I have no idea!
10 that I could find.
So I got 6 today which was unheard of. This is the strange part of that though. The water for the Hen that is sitting on eggs was all milky. I dumped it out and found an egg in the bottom of the bucket!!! That would have made 7 eggs. I don't know if she knew that egg was bad or if she laid one today and put it in there. I thought that was really strange as I have never had this happen before. She is the sister to the duck whose eggs would probably be the fertile ones and has never laid on eggs before. The egg appeared to be absolutely empty so I don't know if she ate the contents or what actually happened.

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