How many duck eggs did you get today?

Not sure where you are located. Since it gets cold here in Ohio mine were born in February of one year and I did not get any eggs until Spring of the following year. It will be great if you can get some that soon.
Wonder if adding heat/light would put a fire under their egg laying plans causing them to lay despite temperatures. I could make it seem like summer in there all winter no problem.
Wonder if adding heat/light would put a fire under their egg laying plans causing them to lay despite temperatures. I could make it seem like summer in there all winter no problem.
I don't know and if it was worth the cost of the electric to try it I guess it would be worth a try. I have never tried anything like that but my Mallard Hen laid almost all winter long last year since we had such a mild winter. No one else laid though.
I don't know and if it was worth the cost of the electric to try it I guess it would be worth a try. I have never tried anything like that but my Mallard Hen laid almost all winter long last year since we had such a mild winter. No one else laid though.
I live off grid which in a way since I built the solar system myself means next to free electricity if not free since it has paid for itself many times over.
I live off grid which in a way since I built the solar system myself means next to free electricity if not free since it has paid for itself many times over.
Your females need to have breaks from egg laying too or they will end up with health issues.
We lost one of our original ducks yesterday. My best guess is that our youngest dog ran toward the pin and scared her. She flew out of the pen and the dog caught her. We found her body right next to the porch. Egg report is slow, down to 6. Also, another egg is missing from under one of my broody ducks . The straw in the coop has been moved in a manor that makes me suspect snake.
We lost one of our original ducks yesterday. My best guess is that our youngest dog ran toward the pin and scared her. She flew out of the pen and the dog caught her. We found her body right next to the porch. Egg report is slow, down to 6. Also, another egg is missing from under one of my broody ducks . The straw in the coop has been moved in a manor that makes me suspect snake.
So very sorry about your duck.
Sounds like a snake they can ease in take an egg right out from under a duck or chicken. Happened here.
1 duck egg so far.
When I did not find her body but just a pile of feathers, I was worried about a daytime raccoon or hawk. I was actually kind of relieved to find her body by the porch because that confirmed it was the dog. We only have one other duck that can fly over the fence and she is broody right now. We are losing about one a year since we first got ducks. Not easy but not as bad as some people have it. En was a Rouen that laid an egg every two or three days. I always knew it was her because the eggs were longer than they were round.

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