How many duck eggs did you get today?

If heat causes them to take a break, that's going to be one long summer break. Some summers it will hit a 100 starting in June and not give up till September followed by 2 months before first snow flies then plunge into sub zero's in another 2 months. What you hear around here starting in May is, better hurry up to get this done before winter snow gets here.
Ever thought of moving south?[Just kidding] Gosh that is awful we had a long spring which was so nice instead of plunging into summer from winter. Sounds like things didn't go so good for ya'll. I hope things don't go down hill too fast for ya'll.
There is a trade off to all this, peace and freedom to do as I chose. I actually came from the south to be here. I'm use to how it is here, just was reading y'all saying ducks don't lay in hot temperatures and I figure welp they will never lay if that's the case around here.
Miles City, Montana This year winter didn't want to let go and summer didn't start till a week ago. Acting very funny on weather this year, I foresee a harsh winter.
I admire the spirit of what you're doing in such a harsh environment.
Even in our much more user friendly climate this year's weather has been strange, a mix of unseasonably cold and unseasonably warm with late frosts much stronger than was considered normal thus far. Very poor crops from fruit trees, weak vegetable production. Berries doing great as always.
I admire the spirit of what you're doing in such a harsh environment.
Even in our much more user friendly climate this year's weather has been strange, a mix of unseasonably cold and unseasonably warm with late frosts much stronger than was considered normal thus far. Very poor crops from fruit trees, weak vegetable production. Berries doing great as always.
That's what they said is with time on this whole climate change thing is weather will swing more wildly each time it comes through. Seems a influx of bugs have eaten most of crops here, got guinea fowl being raised to take care of that next growing season. Onions are doing great here and looks like corn is doing well for the crops I can see on the way into town.
There is a trade off to all this, peace and freedom to do as I chose. I actually came from the south to be here. I'm use to how it is here, just was reading y'all saying ducks don't lay in hot temperatures and I figure welp they will never lay if that's the case around here.
Yes, I like that trade-off very much!!
When I did not find her body but just a pile of feathers, I was worried about a daytime raccoon or hawk. I was actually kind of relieved to find her body by the porch because that confirmed it was the dog. We only have one other duck that can fly over the fence and she is broody right now. We are losing about one a year since we first got ducks. Not easy but not as bad as some people have it. En was a Rouen that laid an egg every two or three days. I always knew it was her because the eggs were longer than they were round.
Can you keep them clipped so that they can't do that? I have pinioned some of mine and clip the others that I know can fly. If I didn't one of my Mallards left last year and marched herself down the middle of our road to a neighbors house and was beating up their dog that had killed 6 of their chickens!!!! I was very lucky she didn't get killed. Another neighbor returned her to me. I thought she was gone for sure when she flew out.

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