How many eggs can a broody duck have to hatch?


Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
I have some broody ducks and one of them just sat and I don’t know how many eggs she can have! I read some where on how many eggs a duck can have but can’t remember! One has 4 eggs and they are on their way so I’m not going to put any more eggs under her, but my other duck I still can put eggs under her and she get 2 more eggs every morning without me putting any under her. So my question is how many eggs can a duck hatch?
I have some broody ducks and one of them just sat and I don’t know how many eggs she can have! I read some where on how many eggs a duck can have but can’t remember! One has 4 eggs and they are on their way so I’m not going to put any more eggs under her, but my other duck I still can put eggs under her and she get 2 more eggs every morning without me putting any under her. So my question is how many eggs can a duck hatch?
It really depends on the breed. Some ducks can sit on 12-15. But some can only sit on 6-8.
In general a good number of eggs for a clutch is 12. However, some can brood 15-16 and some may be able to handle 10. A lot depends on the size of the duck and the size of the eggs. If your ducks don't mind your intrusion, feel around the outside of the brooding duck-you should not be able to feel eggs unless you put your hand under her. Be sure to check under her tail area for eggs sticking out. Also, feel the eggs. If any are not as warm to your touch she may have too many eggs. In brooding birds less is better than more; when there's too many eggs, different eggs are chilled each day and by hatch day all or many have died in the shell.
She is a Indian Runner!
My rule of thumb, if she is the one laying the eggs, is that they will only lay the amount they can sit on. I️ raise turkeys and it’s a similar deal. The hens will lay egg in the nest until they think they have enough, then stop and sit. I️ have had a turkey nest with 28 eggs before, due to 2 hens laying in the same nest. 1 hen went broody and could only fit 23 eggs, so she got rid of the others. It’s their instincts that help them be good parents.

On the other hand, if you are giving her eggs than just give her however many you want of ducklings, with some wiggle room.
My rule of thumb, if she is the one laying the eggs, is that they will only lay the amount they can sit on. I️ raise turkeys and it’s a similar deal. The hens will lay egg in the nest until they think they have enough, then stop and sit. I️ have had a turkey nest with 28 eggs before, due to 2 hens laying in the same nest. 1 hen went broody and could only fit 23 eggs, so she got rid of the others. It’s their instincts that help them be good parents.

On the other hand, if you are giving her eggs than just give her however many you want of ducklings, with some wiggle room.
Thank you! That’s really great advice!

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