How many eggs can one eat savely?


In the Brooder
Jan 14, 2016
Now, we know about Cholesterol and that its a fake story, invented by the pharmaceutical industrial complex to scae people and sell more prescription drugs.

We read about the 88 year old stranger who ate 20-30 eggs daily for 15 years and had excellent health.

But then, as almost all of the 10 biddies grew up (we hadn't thought), we have now in total about 20 laying chickens and they take it quite serious, producing even now in winter, up to 20 eggs/day! Though luckily not every day, but at minimum we find 11 daily! So if the days get longer, I expect perhaps 15 eggs daily!

Now are there side effects from eating that many eggs?

I mean I searched online, they talk about 3 eggs/day? What a joke, have 3 as breakfast every morning, but that's not going to cut it, with our highly productive chickens! BTW never thought chickens are so prying, they sometimes seem to follow me to check what I am doing? ,-)
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I don't think one person should eat 15 eggs a day.

Excellent nutrition but 'All Things in Moderation'.

Luckily we are two and she also eats lots of eggs, but this still leaves us with 5 1/2 up to 10 for each on a daily basis...
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Adopt some teenage boys
. I have three I call The Locusts. Breakfast is 8-9 eggs a day, plus 2 for me usually, plus 2-3 for Honey if he's eating breakfast. We're mostly low carb, so we don't fear the conventional rules of what not to eat. We also eat a lot of salads and we love chopped boiled egg on a salad. Deviled eggs make a great after school snack.

There are great threads here about baking and recipes that use a lot of eggs. Freezing them for when hens are molting or aging out is a good idea also. Giving them away can make you lots of friends, and you'll have a network of folks willing to chicken sit if you need to go away for a while. Selling them can cover some feed costs.
Thank you
. Came about from the state of my kitchen. They get home from school about 3:30. by 4 pm the kitchen is decimated. I just try to stay out of the way so I don't get eaten, too!
Why don't you sell some?
Or give them to a food pantry.

Selling is not that easy, many people have chickens here around and most people would not value more or less organical produced eggs at all? I am not aware of food banks here around, though occasional, there are collections in supermarkets, but I am unsure if they'd take eggs not produced/packaged industrial?
Then perhaps you need to eat some chickens.
I have elderly friends that eat about 5-10 eggs each per day.
As to your initial post referencing cholesterol.
There has never been a study linking dietary cholesterol to heart disease. So why do doctors recommend limiting cholesterol intake? It is in the text books.
*Soapbox alert*

Doctors advise lowering cholesterol to what is actually unreasonable and unhealthy numbers based on old, flawed studies. Since those numbers are very difficult to achieve with diet and exercise, viola, we have a pill for you to take! never mind the statins themselves are more dangerous than a truly normal cholesterol one makes money on healthy people.

*steps down from soapbox*

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