How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I guess 7 is our lucky number...
We had to be out and about tonite so missed their warm oatmeal dinner time but they did have cooked butternut squash at lunchtime..
After a week without one single egg, today someone laid an egg. Unfortunately, I have an egg eater that got to it before I did. I tell you, 26 old hens and not a one of them earning her keep. It is a good thing I love my chickens. I have 26 more babies in the upper coop that should start laying early this spring.
Maybe that is why they are not laying -- no warm oatmeal dinner. All they get is cold pumpkin puree.
I've now gone 2 months without an egg out of any of my four girls. I'd been averaging 2-4 a day for a while from year+ old hens before that. Now I may have to actually buy eggs! The horror! I know they slow down as the hours get less light, but two months ago? What's their excuse. hehe
I have 9 SLW hens who have been laying for a couple months, with the recent change in weather they completely QUIT, I put light in the coop for a couple hours each day, still nothing, extended the added light so they had 14 hours a day and it worked, back to getting almost as many eggs each day now, took about a week for it to work.

Also had some egg eaters and had to build roll out nests and that is working well also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yippee!!

And as a bonus, I now know which Ancona lays which egg. I was putting the snow tires on my wife's car and she commented that there were only 11 chickens milling around. One Ancona was missing and since I know they are both laying now, I checked the nest box. Sure enough, Yue was in the box. Some time later (20 minutes??) we hear the egg song. I went back to the barn, there was an egg in the nest box. I gave Yue some "good girl" BOSS and went back to the car. Some more time passes and we hear the egg song again, Zia is missing so I go back the the barn and she's coming down the alley. But, no egg in the box. I was a little confused since she has been laying in the box for a week. I look again, nope, no egg. Then I see it just inside the coop door! This is the FIRST time she has laid outside the box and near as I can tell, egg #5 from her.

Zia's eggs are more pointed than Yue's. Good info because if one goes off, I can check to see that there aren't any physical problems knowing which bird is no longer laying. So far, Zia has been our star laying 5 eggs between Monday last week and today. Not bad, 5 of 7 days and just started laying last Monday.

10/12 yesterday
Never though I'd be so happy to have 10 eggs...:p OH and on they way home from church yesterday me and my dad were talking chickens. I managed to talk him into getting a rooster (
) AND we worked a little bit and took measurements for a extension for the coop!
Anyone have suggestions for friendly quiet roosters? :)

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