How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My girls are still laying pretty good. Most days they give us 7 eggs with the occasional 6,8, or 9 day.
We made up a water heater out of an old cookie tin with a 40 watt light bulb fitted in side. The waterer sits on top and we no longer have frozen water in the morning! YAY! One more thing off the to do list.
3 more today.

I wasn't expecting Zia to lay 3 days in a row, but she did and Yue laid both yesterday and today. My Anconas are the best so far.
The 3rd egg was very light brown and was a gift from Peep - she is a Cubalaya.
She didn't sing the egg song. Just laid her egg in the nest and left. She got BOSS treats for what is, I think, her FIRST egg.
Small girl, small egg
Of course the Ancona eggs aren't exactly big either. I should get a scale so I can see if they are slowly increasing in weight as the girls get the hang of laying.
Fay, the other Cubalaya checked out the nest box but her comb isn't nearly as filled out or red as Peep's and she isn't squatting. But hey, she knows where to go!

Andromeda is squatting like crazy. I put her in the nest box so she might get the hint for when the time comes. Hoping to see a blue or green E.E. egg any day now!

Julie, your girls are cranking them out!

8/12 yesterday. Thursday we were gone all day (Thanksgiving dinner). They were in all day and I got 8 eggs-so I now know that 8 is their new normal- so they aren't hiding them or anything.
I'm jelous, I just finally got two eggs this week after probably 2 months of getting none from my SS, WPR, & mixed breed standard chickens, My bantie's on the other hand I have been getting 1 or 2 eggs a day out of two laying hens. My other bantie's are still too young to lay. I wish all of my chickens would get back to laying, I miss all my fresh eggs! Store bought eggs are just not the same..
Well, another day and another 10 doz. The pullets are starting to lay larger eggs, what to do with all the small eggs?
They just keep going and going and going. Not complaining.
Started to supply another indoor market which just opened Friday.
Have a great Holiday season. Best of the Season to everyone.
Sigh still waiting for them to come out of molt.

10 hens and 11 pullets only 5 eggs total.
Perhaps I should only be counting the 17 that are of laying age.........

Still thinking 5 is a small number for 17 to lay.
I can finally post to this forum. I have 7 hens, but until a couple of days ago, 6 were too young to lay. The oldest hen lays almost every day. On Thanksgiving Day, I found 2 eggs in the coop with the 6 young hens. Today, I found 3. So today from 7 hens, I got 4 eggs. :) I expect the other 3 hens to start laying soon.

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