How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6/6 yesterday and 5/6 so far today. I had a late egg yesterday so maybe I will today too. I had enough eggs to give to a friend' s family yesterday. They were looking forward to trying them for breakfast!
I know my blue eggs are from my Easter Eggers and my brown from my red sex links. Can anyone tell me if the peachy ones are from my Barred Rocks? They're small so I thought Silkie at first but aren't Silkie eggs white/cream?
I know my blue eggs are from my Easter Eggers and my brown from my red sex links. Can anyone tell me if the peachy ones are from my Barred Rocks? They're small so I thought Silkie at first but aren't Silkie eggs white/cream?
funny. My rock lays brown and my sex link lays peachy. Silkies can lay any form of cream color from nearly white to peachy. They would be small, but pullet eggs are also small.
I am getting 1 egg every other day. My oldest girl just started laying on August 24th. She is a black australorp, I don't know if she will start laying daily or not. I'm just happy to finally be getting some eggs!

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