How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have been getting between 9 & 11 eggs per day until yesterday and I only got 7. Today, they were back to 11. Don't have a clue what is going on. Talking to a friend the other day & he said his neighbor's chooks weren't laying at all. I told him to tell his buddy to give them more light. The guy put a light in the coop and I have since lost a sale!! His started laying again. I guess that's what I get for doing a good deed!!!!
Oh, and they started going out in the snow today! Had sunshine and I think they were getting a little stir-crazy. Roo has been bugging them to death. Now I know what saddles are for!
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So far 4/10 due to a fox attack last night where I lost my trio of Buff Orpingtons, a RIR hen and 3 Light Sussex hens :(
Hens and ducks all barred in now until that fox is dead or the run is made more secure trouble is they are semi free range over a third of a paddock

I am sorry about the loss.

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