How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

9 Chicken egg's today

Temp 115 F by 9AM on the porch in the shade

Lost one pullet today found her outside and the ravens were having at her and I have never seen a raven touch an adult chicken or any chicken of this size maybe a 2 week old so I was beside myself on what to do with my free range chickens .....
Only 3 eggs today from 8 hens. I am trying to keep as an eye on things because the other day I thought there were 2 eggs on the floor of the coop behind the food trash cans. I had to leave them there because I couldn't get to them with the cast on my foot. I was going to have my daughter get them the next day when she got home from school, however, when I told her about them, she came back in & said there weren't any eggs there! So, I don't know if I just imagined them in the light from the flashlight or if we have a snake or something getting the eggs. There was no evidence of anything happening, no egg shells or wetness or anything. So' now I'm trying to figure out if something is happening to the eggs laid on the floor of the coop or if I was just mistaken in what I thought I saw the other day.
9 Chicken egg's today :weee

Do you think she succumbed to the heat first & then the raven's went in for a free meal or do you think the ravens attacked first?
Either way, I'm sorry for your loss and hope it turns out to be a one time occurrence.

Temp 115 F by 9AM on the porch in the shade :drool

Lost one pullet today found her outside and the ravens were having at her and I have never seen a raven touch an adult chicken or any chicken of this size maybe a 2 week old so I was beside myself on what to do with my free range chickens ..... :(  
Temp 115 F by 9AM on the porch in the shade

It got to 99 today at our home outside of Seattle. The hens are on strike and not happy. I'd be surprised if I get 2 eggs tomorrow. The gimpy little rescue pullet we have was standing at the back door panting until we let her in the house. LOL I guess I'm a sucker for the underdogs.

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