How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Blooie, what the heck are you feeding them?

On Mondays they get caviar and little rye crackers. On Tuesdays it's Turf n' Surf - fresh T-bones and lobster bisque soup. Wednesday is "casual day" and they do love their Mac & cheese and crispy salad. Thursday is "chef's choice", usually pork chops with sautéed mushrooms and garlic roasted potatoes. Fridays they get all the devilled eggs and finger sandwiches they want. Saturdays is MacDonald's day so chicken nuggies and French fries are on the menu - oh, but they don't know they're getting chicken nuggies. They think they're getting lump crab meat fried up for them. And Sunday dinner at Oleo Acres is usually a big meal....roast beef, potatoes, carrots, gravy and pie for dessert. So they aren't getting a special diet to help produce these big eggs.
Blooie, do you do take away at Mickey D's, or do you eat in the restaurant?
We used to take them in and let them play in Playland for a little while before they ate. But our MacDonald's did away with that and installed touch screen computer games. They kept poking holes in the screens, so now we aren't real welcome there - we have to do take out.
so far at 11:35 am I have 3/3 or maybe 3/4. I'm still not sure who is laying or who is laying what. I did catch one on the nest early this morning and send the kids out to get it after breakfast. So I know at least what one of them is laying. It looked like the same shape as another egg I have gotten but this one has speckles. I also got an egg from a new layer. its nothing like the other eggs I've gotten. And it was my first peewee. Cute little thing.

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