How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

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Colorado must be a tad bit warmer with more daylight.
I wish my Golden sexlink would take a day off. She has laid everyday since September 1.
My golden sexlinks are the same way! The younger one took a day off yesterday and then laid a 99 gram egg today. It is the biggest egg I've ever seen. I'll post a pic of it later.
got 6 from 10 hens 3 from 3 red sex links,1 from a black jersey diant, and 2 from a pair of bantam-standard cross, they all are steady layers,the other 4 have yet to lay,all are about the same age,2 barred rocks and 1 bantam=standard cross and a buff colored mix?,I check the boxes a lot through the day and know who is laying and who is not.

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