How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

16 eggs today's total. . 2 today from my English Orpingtons. I have two Glod Laced hens and two Jubilee hens. Two weeks ago my English Orpingtons had not layed since june. In the last two weeks I now have 18 eggs.

I started putting 1/8th cup of Red Cell Vitamins for livestock added to 4 gallons of water. Red Cell is $24 a gallon at Tractor Supply.

I have notice the Marans, Lemon Cuckoo's and Laveder Orpingtons are laying more now, and all they're combs are bright red.
Went out in the downpour to let the chickens out. Saw 1 egg was already laid, so I decided to bring it in then. Put it in the pocket of my raincoat.... and, well, you can guess what happened next. I forgot all about it and tossed the raincoat on the floor to dry off the puppy before she got everything wet. Then hung up my raincoat. About 30 minutes later I remembered the egg. Yup, it was smashed to bits! The pup got fresh egg on her morning bowl of puppy chow! At least the raincoat pocket was easy to clean out.
Wow, we are all doing the same stuff in this cold!  It sounds like we are all taking good care of our flock!

Thanks for all the condolences!  We are still working on  re-homing the livestock.

CoChix~ Alfalfa Hay around here could be used at currency it is so expensive, and valued.  We only had to put up 2 tons, and it was $230 a ton for straight alfalfa.  How much is it in Colorado?

I see horse hay starting at $210 a ton.

Right. It seems to some people like they always lay in the morning. That's because, as you stated, the off day usually occurs when the next egg would have been after dusk.
If they're ovulating every 25 hours and dusk is at 6 PM, the next 12 eggs will come just after dawn and then a bit later each day till they skip again. If they're on a 27 hour cycle, adjust expectations accordingly.
Any stressors or other problems and it will throw off onset of ovulation.
thanks for explaining that much better than I have and that is my understanding of the cycle, except their eggs are laid between 24-27 hours with a 30 minute break in between before their cycle starts all over.

Yesterday totals

Picked up some feed that is 20% protein and will start mixing it again with their regular 17% feed.
So far 2/5
One of my EE's recovered from her molting stage and she is back on track!!!!
On a roll this morning! It's only 9:30 and I'm already up to 4/10 + Scout. Whoppie! Wonder how many I'd have if I'd supplemented light this year. Well, no matter - I still get more than enough for us and some extras to share!

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